Friends of Pinson Mounds State Park

Learn about "Project 3D"

Pinson Mounds State Park is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2024. The FOPM is raising funding to enhance the museum with a 3D topographical map of the mounds complex.

Scan QR code to donate and be a part of this exciting project!
Concept View of 3D Topo Map

Who We Are

The Friends of Pinson Mounds is an all-volunteer organization that is passionate about supporting the mission and programming of the Pinson Mounds State Park. We are a 501C3 nonprofit organization.

Two FOPM volunteers cleaning state park signage
Two FOPM volunteers cleaning state park signage
An FOPM volunteer weeding park landscape
An FOPM volunteer weeding park landscape

About Pinson Mounds State Park

Pinson Mounds State Archaeological Park covers more than 1,200 acres and contains at least 15 Native American mounds. In addition to Sauls Mound the group includes Ozier Mound, the Twin Mounds and Mound 28. Archaeological evidence suggests the mounds were both burial and ceremonial in purpose. Pinson Mounds is a National Historic Landmark and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places

Pinson Mounds State Park Manager interpreting an Indigenous site
Pinson Mounds State Park Manager interpreting an Indigenous site
A group of FOPM volunteers after a work-day.
A group of FOPM volunteers after a work-day.

Volunteer Opportunities

Our planned projects for this year:

February: Open Board Meeting via Zoom

March 2nd: Weed Wrangle, Spring Hike

May: Open Board Meeting at Park, Bee Fest 5K, Bee Fest Fair

June 15: National Trail Day Hike, Jr. Ranger Camp, Music at the Mounds (Tentative)

August: Open Board Meeting at Park.

September: Archeofest

November: Annual Meeting, State "Friends of Parks" meeting.

Check our Facebook Page for more details and how to participate

Get in Touch

FOPM volunteers cleaning up a fallen tree during a park work day.
FOPM volunteers cleaning up a fallen tree during a park work day.